Team Submission Codes are a simple option for front line teams who use Teamgage Huddle, but aren't regularly checking an email. Rather than requiring a Submission link sent via MS Teams or Email, team members simply enter their individual email address and their team's code to contribute.
A few important notes about Team Submission Codes
Codes can be any combination of alphanumeric characters (Eg. letters and numbers)
- Creating/managing codes uses the principle of inheritance. When a code is created for one team, all the teams under than team in organisation hierarchy inherit the same code. This behaviour is the same if you select "Team not using Submission Codes" - all sub-teams in the hierarchy inherit that selection and will not have a code either.
- There are 3) options at each team's level:
- (default) This team will inherit the code from the team above
- This team has its own unique code
- This team is not using codes
Creating (and managing) a Team Submission Code
Before creating Team Submission Codes, you'll want to consider:
- What teams actually need a code & where they fit in your organisational hierarchy,
- Are you using unique codes per site, per department or for every single team (Eg. If each department needs a code simply create the code at that department level in the hierarchy. The principle of inheritance will then mean all teams under that department in your hierarchy automatically inherit that same code), and
- What code relevant to those teams (Eg. a commonly used StoreID like NEWYORK123).
Once you have a plan, you can jump into Portal and start adding codes:
- Select Teams from the side navigation
- Find the team in your Organisation Hierarchy and Edit
- Click on the Team Submission Code tab
- Choose from a selection from the drop down list:*
- Team inherit the code from the team above
- Team has its own unique code:
- Not using codes
- Save
Does a user need a email address to use Team Submission Codes
Yes. While the user doesn't need to access the inbox, they will still need a user profile in Teamgage which requires a email address. Check-out
creating a new user,
What can I used for a team submission code?
Codes can be anything you want, but only alphanumeric characters are supported (Eg. letters and numbers)
What is the page/URL where my front line teams can enter their Team Submission Codes
You organisation will have their own unique URL. Head to the Team Submission Code tab for any team & you'll find the that team's URL.
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