Teamgage Huddle Introduction

Teamgage Huddle Introduction


Teamgage Huddle is an innovative and agile approach to gather employee feedback and engage teams in the workplace. 

How does Huddle work?

Teams continuously improve

Here's how teams quickly and simply use Huddle:
  1. Measure - Employees give fast, focused and frequent ideas and insights. 
  2. Insights- Leaders at every level get real-time insights in a glance-and-go report.
  3. Action - Teams create actions based on data-driven decisions, share the wins, then do it all again next cycle!

Effortless feedback

Team members provide valuable insights on areas relevant to their team and the organisation, using our unique 20-second submission experience.

Great insights at the click of a button

Leaders can understand what's working and what's not in seconds using our glance-and-go reports. Get insights, analysis and suggestions, then share the results with their teams to strengthen their participation and engagement for the next cycle.

Continuous action and improvement

Every team, at every level can create actions to continuously improve every cycle.

Teamgage for Senior Leaders

High level overview

Senior Leaders can compare all areas to see which teams are performing well and who needs support. 

Deeper results analysis

Drill into any team, at any level to check their insights, ideas and actions. Compare how metrics are performing across cycles and analyse comments across every team.

Uncover demographic insights

Unlock further areas of improvement and risk hidden within different groups e.g. graduates or those working remotely.


Is feedback in Teamgage Huddle anonymous?
Yes. To generate open and honest insights, no one will be able to view who has submitted or made a comment, but we do have safeguards in place to ensure users aren't unnecessarily exposed to inappropriate submissions.

Are questions and metrics in Teamgage Huddle customisable?
‍Yes. All metrics and questions in Teamgage Huddle are customisable, allowing you to focus on what's important to your strategy, both at a team level and an organisation level.

Can employees submit feedback on any PC, mobile device or smartphone?
‍Yes. Teamgage Huddle is easy to use, doesn’t require any program or app to be downloaded and works on all modern browsers.

How long does it take to submit insights and ideas?    
Employees can quickly and easily leave their insights and ideas, on areas relevant to their team, within our unique 20 second submission experience. We've designed the process to be painless - or dare we say, even enjoyable!

How does Teamgage Huddle overcome Survey fatigue?
‍By engaging employees at every stage of the process! And we know that employees are actually energised by closing the 'feedback loop' which is why we design the process to be inclusive without adding friction to the way you run your organisation.  On average, teams that use the Teamgage process have a 73% higher feedback participation and 15.2% more positive comments.

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