Teamgage Leader Training - Pre-Launch Email Template

Teamgage Leader Training - Pre-Launch Email Template

This is a suggested email template containing leader training registration details and resources. The registration link in the template will allow leaders to register for any of our weekly group leader training webinars. If you are hosting your own unique session replace this and update with your organisation's unique meeting details.


As part of our Teamgage Huddle roll-out, all team leaders should register for a 30-minute online Teamgage training session.

Training Content Overview

  1. How Teamgage Huddle works and the benefits it delivers
  2. How to use your team's results dashboard effectively
  3. Tips for sharing results and creating actions with your team
  4. Additional resources overview
  5. Q&A 
To reserve your spot, here is the link to our registration page:

The intention of the session is to spend about 20 minutes talking about how the Teamgage process works and then answering any questions you might have.

Additional Training Content

If you have any questions please contact [Insert Details Here]
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