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Edit a Huddle Metric
You can quickly and easily edit any components of your existing metrics. e.g the Name, Anchor Points, Description, and Suggestions (also known as Manager Prompts). When editing a metric you will retain all previous data and history associated with ...
Previewing a Huddle Metric Set
Once you've created your metrics and added them to a metric set they're ready for your teams to Huddle. But before you do this, we recommend you preview what your teams will actually see. You can also share this preview with someone else from your ...
Creating a Huddle Metric Set
After you’ve created your metrics you'll need to add them to a Metric set. A Metric Set is the actual group of metrics your team will consider during their Teamgage Huddle submission. You can assigned a single metric set for all the whole ...
Apply A Huddle Metric Set
If you have recently created a new metric set or you need to swap back to an existing metric set you will need to apply the metric set to your team hierarchy. How to apply a metric set 1. Click on Teams> Teams List from the left-hand panel 2. Find ...
Creating a Huddle Metric
Your metrics are the areas your employees will provide feedback on when making their regular Teamgage Huddle submission and what will be measured and improved by your teams. Creating a new Metric Log into Teamgage Click on Tools & Setup> Metrics from ...