Uploading your People & Teams data file in Teamgage

Uploading Your People & Teams Data File In Teamgage

At Teamgage, we take the responsibility of our customers' data seriously. This means no people data is ever shared over email. Instead we provide a simple
File Upload in the Teamgage portal. This is a secure environment, providing encryption of your data, on upload, transit and arrival. 

How to upload a People & Teams Data File into Teamgage

  1. Log into the Teamgage Portal - you can use Forgot Password with your work email address if you're having access issues.
  2. Select Files > New from the side navigation
    (For some Admin users, Files will appear under the Tool & Setup menu option)  
  3. Upload your data file - make sure its the right Teamgage format.
    (You can add an optional message for context to the upload)
  4. Save
Once the file is successfully uploaded, you'll be redirected to the Details page. The status of the file will be Awaiting Processing our Team will be notified your file has been uploaded. 

What do the different Status Options mean?

Files have different status options, and when that status changes, you'll receive automated emails
  1. Awaiting Processing – your file has been uploaded and is awaiting review & validation by Teamgage.
  2. Processing – your file is being processed by the system.
  3. Complete – your file has been successfully processed (and where approach people & team updates applied)
  4. Cancelled – if you upload a file by mistake, you will be able to cancel it from the Details page. 
If you're having any issues uploading a file in Teamgage, contact our Support Team (support@teamgage.com).
Updated 6th July 2021