Previewing a Huddle Metric Set

Previewing a Huddle Metric Set

Once you've created your metrics and added them to a metric set they're ready for your teams to Huddle. But before you do this, we recommend you preview what your teams will actually see. You can also share this preview with someone else from your team - regardless of whether they are Admin or have logged into Teamgage before.
Previewing is a great way to:
  1. Double check spelling & grammar
  2. Review how the metric, the question and the thresholds all appear together (Learn about metric components here)
  3. See how the submission page will look for your different team (Eg. on desktop for your office staff vs. a mobile device for front0line workers)

How to preview a metric set

  1. Open Tools & Setup > Metric Sets from the side navigation
  2. Find your metric set from the list
  3. Click Edit  
  4. Select Preview
  5. Done - you can share this URL with anyone for their review as well

Here's what it looks like

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