Setting up your People Data & Team Hierarchy

Setting up your People Data & Team Hierarchy During Implementation

During onboarding, our team will guide you through the initial setup of your team structure in Teamgage. We'll create your organisational hierarchy and the teams that make up each level/department/group. Whether you're 50 people or 5000 people we'll recommend a structure that matches your organisation's hierarchy, makes sense to your leaders, and is easy to maintain. 

There are 3 different approaches:
  1. Manually setting up the users and teams in the Teamgage portal
  2. Using our template to upload your people and teams data
  3. Upload your HRIS data straight to Teamgage *
* This option is available to organisations with 200 users or more only.

1. Manually setting up in the Teamgage portal

Our Teamgage portal is easy to use to input all of your people data and create your organisational structure. We suggest building out the structure before adding all of your people, please see these guides on Team Management. Once that is complete you can start creating your user profiles, please see these guides on User Management.

2. Use our template to upload your people and teams data

If you have less than 200 employees in your organisation we suggest you use our template to input your people data. You can download our template and input your people data to upload directly to Teamgage, have a look at the template attached to this article.
After that is complete you simply upload Your People & Teams Data File In Teamgage and we will process the file and contact you for approval.

Please see this guide for further details on the steps required for this approach - Using the Teamgage Template Import Process.

3. Upload your HRIS data into Teamgage

Upload your HRIS export directly to Teamgage, we have a short list of required fields that must be in the file and we can incorporate rules unique to your organisation to help us generate what we need. Please note that this option is available to organisations with 200 users or more only.

Please see this guide for further details on the steps required for this approach - Upload your HRIS data During Implementation.

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