Add Additional Team/Area-Specific Huddle Metrics

Add Additional Team/Area-Specific Huddle Metrics

You can add team/area-specific Huddle metrics to the core Huddle metrics applied to your entire organisation. This is a great way to empower teams whilst retaining your company-wide metrics.

You will need to have an Admin profile to access Tools & Setup in Teamgage. If you can't see that section, speak to your Teamgage Admin or contact our Support Team (

How to create Team/Area-Specific Metric Set

If the metric(s) you want to add haven't been created, you should first create the team/area-specific metrics (Check out Creating a Metric)
  1. Check the current metric set applied to the team.
    1. Select Teams from the side navigation.
    2. Find the team and hover over Metric Set to check the name of the metric set currently applied.
  2. Clone the current Metric Set.
    1. Select Tools & Set-Up > Metric Sets from the side navigation.
    2. Click the down arrow next to your chosen metric set.
    3. Select "Clone".
  3. Update the name for this Metric Set (Eg. Entire Organisation Metrics with Customer Specific Metrics- January 2023)
  4. Add additional team/area specific metrics to the set.
    1. Click Add Metric and select the additional metrics you want to add.
    2. Repeat this until you have added all the required metrics
  5. Save
  6. Click Preview to preview the submission page for your Metric Set.
You can copy the URL of the Preview page for your new Metric Set and share it with others to preview.

How to assign new Metric Set to Team

1. Click on Teams> Teams List from the left-hand panel
2. Find the team whose Metric Set is to be changed. 
      Note: If you have a single metric set across all teams, you will need to edit the Metric at the 'Entire Organisation' level. 
3. Click Edit Team.
4. Click on the Metric Set dropdown box
5. Select one of the metric sets listed
6. Click Save
You can check the updated metrics have been applied by selecting Teams from the side navigation. Find the team and hover over Metric Set to see the name of the metric set currently applied and it's child teams (if applicable)

Here's what it looks like

  1. Understanding metrics
  2. Creating a new metric
  3. Changing your organisation's metric set

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