How to disable or reset Teamgage App for Slack

How to disable or reset Teamgage App for Slack

You must be a Teamgage Administrator to complete this setup & you will need your Slack Workspace Admin's approval.
After installation, you may enable and disable the integration at any time. The sections below also outline some basic troubleshooting steps you can take if a user is not receiving Slack notifications.

Enabling & Disabling the integration

After the initial installation, the Add to Slack button will be replaced with a toggle switch. This is a global control for Slack notifications within your organisation. To allow Slack notifications to be sent, ensure it is on. If you would like to turn of Slack notifications entirely, simply click the toggle switch to turn it off.
Integrations page within Teamgage portal, with the Add to Slack button replaced with a toggle switch

User statuses

When Slack is enabled and you view the Users list, a Slack icon will appear in the Comms column alongside each user. This icon may appear in one of three styles:
  1. No badge: The user is set up to use Slack successfully. This is an indicator that the last message Team sent to them via Slack was successful.
  2. Orange badge: The user is set up to use Slack, but Teamgage has not yet sent them a message to verify that the connection works.
  3. Red badge: The last time Teamgage tried to send the user a message via Slack, it failed.
List of users with a successful, warning and error Slack status.

Troubleshooting a red badge

A red badge is an indication that Teamgage has tried, but not succeeded in sending the user a message via Slack. If this is the case, two immediate things to verify are:
  1. The user has the same email address in Teamgage as they do in Slack.
  2. The user has not manually blocked the Teamgage app within Slack.

Resetting/re-installing the Slack integration

Sometimes you may need to re-install the Slack integration for a variety of reasons such as:
  1. You have moved to a new Slack workspace.
  2. You have revoked or cycled all API tokens for your Workspace.
  3. You wish to permanently disable the Slack integration
To do this, simply navigate to the Integrations page within your Teamgage portal and click the Click here to reinstall button within the Slack integration item. This will request confirmation that you intend to reset the Slack integration and if confirmed, the integration will be completely reset and the Add to Slack button will be visible again, ready for re-installation.
Reset Slack installation screenshot

  1. Teamgage for Slack
  2. Teamgage App for Slack Integration & Notification Setup
  3. Updating a user's communication preferences

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