Data Troubleshooting Guide
Depending upon the size of your organisation - we employ a variety of tools to create/update your data in the platform, and manage team memberships ongoing. This guide provides an overview of the main areas where we receive questions, and our recommendations to address them.
Team creation
Our recommendation
We recommend creating the team structure in the platform based on the reporting manager or working group. When you've gone through the first iteration, you may find some teams are not suitable due to their size or composition. The following sections should help with any queries you have, but if you have any further queries please contact What to do with small teams
Creating the team structure by reporting manager or working group can result in lots of small teams in your organisation. Due to our
anonymity shield there are two cases where small teams can be an issue:
- When a team has less than 4 submissions their dashboard will be locked.
- When a team has less than 4 members they will not see results in a dashboard.
There are three options for small teams in Teamgage, read
this article to learn more.
Direct Reports
When you are a senior manager you may be responsible for multiple teams and their supervisors, as well as having some non-supervisory employees who report direct to you. For this scenario, we have implemented logic in our data converter tool to create an additional team called 'Direct Reports'. Direct Reports allows a senior manager to have a dashboard of those supervisors/employees who report directly to them, separate to the other team dashboards the senior manager oversees.
For example: Sarah Smith is Senior Manager - Business Development and has 30 employees reporting into the Business Development area: 23 in the Sales, Marketing and Advertising teams and 7 supervisors and other employees who report directly in Sarah. Without 'Direct Reports' - this is how her structure would look:
Entire Organisation > Sarah Smith (30 employees)
Entire Organisation > Sarah Smith > Sales (12 employees)
Entire Organisation > Sarah Smith > Marketing (6 employees)
Entire Organisation > Sarah Smith > Advertising (5 employees)
However the above structure would mean that the results of the 7 employees who report directly to her are included in Entire Organisation > Sarah Smith and combined with the other 23 members' results.
Enabling the Direct Reports logic allows for these 7 direct reports to have their own dashboard for Sarah to review. So this is Sarah's structure with 'Direct Reports':
Entire Organisation > Sarah Smith (30 employees)
Entire Organisation > Sarah Smith > Sarah Smith - Direct Reports (7 employees)
Entire Organisation > Sarah Smith > Sales (12 employees)
Entire Organisation > Sarah Smith > Marketing (6 employees)
Entire Organisation > Sarah Smith > Advertising (5 employees)
Team memberships
If your organisation teams are constantly changing, we provide options for your team members (Self Allocation) or for the team managers/supervisors (Manager Team Management) to correct their team memberships:
Self allocation
Self Allocation gives team members a simple way to update the team they're a member of during their Huddle or Survey Submission experience. Depending on how self allocation has been configured by your organisation, a user's request to change team (or join an additional team) may require approval from either a Manager or an Admin. If the request is not approved or decline it will be automatically approved after 7 days. Manager Team Management
Give managers control to add and remove members of their teams with
Manager Team Management. Managers can keep their teams up to date - especially as people join, leave or move around your organisation.
Related Articles
- Small Teams in Teamgage Huddle
- Self Allocation guides
- Manager Team Management
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