Small Teams in Teamgage Huddle

Small Teams in Teamgage Huddle

To provide meaningful and accurate feedback data, it's important to promote honest and open feedback. That's why one of the design pillars of Teamgage is providing anonymity for submitters. For this this reason we always require at least 4 responses from individual users before leaders can access team results.

What happens if I have a small team?

Leaders with less than 4 team members or less than 4 active submission will have a locked results dashboard and will be unable to view their team results.

How should I address this?

There are 3 options for small teams:

1. Where teams have 4 or more team members but have less than 4 active submissions, the easiest way to unlock results is to boost the submission rate to the required level by reminding all team members to submit their feedback.

Leaders can use the one-click remind team to submit feature in their Teamgage portal!

2. Where you have small teams who are unable to regularly gain at least 4 submissions you should consider merging them with similar teams to form a combined team report.  This option works well when you have a group of teams who regularly interact with each other, and share the same projects/clients, or do similar work. You can then view combined results and these teams can come together and discuss them as a work group.

Add the merged team to your regular Teamgage data file upload (if applicable), or create the new team directly in your platform portal. 

3.   Where merging teams isn't practical it's important to note that all submissions made roll-up through your organisational hierarchy. You should remind  team members that their feedback is still valuable will contribute to the results as part of the parent reports  e.g  the department/area and entire organisation report. 

Remind your Senior Leaders to share a regular Teamgage results summary with their teams (including the action being taken). This will highlight to submitters that all feedback is being reviewed and forms part of senior leadership decision-making.

If you have any further questions or require further support you can contact

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