Sending a Teamgage Survey

Sending a Teamgage Survey

When using Teamgage Surveys you can leverage the people and teams data that you already have in Teamgage, or share with individuals via a URL link. 

How to share a survey

There are 2 options:
  1. Share via a link
  2. Send as a notification from Teamgage
  1. Click Share > Share via a Link
  2. Give the link a unique URL
  3. Copy the link & paste it where ever you want/need
Please note this will remove the response rate feature as the system cannot determine how many users have been sent the link you generate.

    2. Send as a notification from Teamgage 

    1. Click Share > Send from Teamgage
    2. Select the teams you want to send the Survey to (Teamgage will show the estimated number of recipients).
    3. Add in a: 
      1. subject (This will display as the subject line on the recipient's email or Teams notification card)
      2. Message (This will show within the recipient's email or Teams notification card)
    4. Send now

    Before sending, use Preview (in the top right corner of the screen) to make sure you're happy with your survey. 

    What will your teams receive?

    Recipients will receive a survey notification through their usual notification channel; whether email or a Microsoft Teams message. Here we can see how the "Subject" and "Message" from sending our survey displays on email and Teams to the recipient. 

    Recipients Tab

    You can always check the previous sends of your survey by clicking the Recipients tab. You can send to teams more than once to boost submission rates.

    1. Teamgage Surveys Introduction
    2. Creating a Survey
    3. Review your Survey Results
    4. Sending a Survey Reminder

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