Introduction to Benchmark Reports
Benchmarking reports allow you to compare and contrast results across your organisation for both Huddle and Surveys. Use this report to quickly and easily compare teams' engagement with results, identify areas of innovation, and teams that are doing well, or spot the risks and those that need support.
Viewing your Benchmarking Report
To find your Benchmarking Report simply
log into Teamgage and choose Benchmarking from left-hand side navigation menu. When you first open a Benchmarking Report you'll see the top level Teams and their comparative activity and results, giving you a glimpse of the high-level results in the organisation.
A Benchmarking Report is divided into four main areas:
- Team List: A list of all the teams that make up your organisation*. Based on your organisation structure, you may find you need to "expand" a parent Team (aka a department) to find a specific sub-team.
- Team Member Changes: These include the members changing within the teams and the members who left the organisation
- Teamgage Activity: These are the specific activities that make-up the Teamgage process including the Comments, Report Views, Meetings & Actions created.
- Teamgage Results: These are unique metrics that your organisation and teams are using Teamgage to continuously improve at and the Submission Response Rates.
*The list of Teams you can see is also determined by your access level. If you can't see a team that you should be able to, check with your Teamgage Admin or contact Teamgage Support ( so we can check your access.
How to use Benchmark Report Features
Expanding your Report to view specific Teams
You can expand each Team from the listing on the left hand side of the report, to drill down on the individual sub-teams that make up that parent-Team. You can choose to expand on a per Team basis or expand all.
Filtering & Sorting your Report
In the Benchmarking Report you can also sort all columns by filter. Note: only expanded reports will be sorted accordingly. If your organisation uses
demographic tags (e.g. gender), you can also filter your results by demographic using
Additional filters. Throughout the Benchmarking Report, you'll also find tooltips to explain a specific filter (Eg. Metric Set) or help you understand the individual Teams that roll-up into a department / area. Simply hover on the ? icon to view that specific tooltip.
Here's what it looks like
Full report name can be accessed on tooltip.
Added tooltips explain what the numbers mean. All numbers in Teamgage activity is an aggregated value of the child reports.
- Response rate: The displayed value is the cumulative submission rate for that team and its children. The tooltip is the total number of submitters and submissions for that team, this number rolls up.
- Comments : The displayed value is the cumulative comments per submission for that team and its children. The tooltip is the total number of comments for that team, this number rolls up.
- Report Views: The displayed value is the cumulative report views for that team and its children. The tooltip is the total number of report views for that team and the total number of report views for its child teams respectively.
- Meetings : The displayed value is the cumulative meetings held for that team and its children. The tooltip is the total number of meetings for that team and the total number of meetings for child teams respectively.
- Actions : The displayed value is the cumulative actions added/completed for that team and its children. The tooltip is the total number of actions added and completed at the team level and the cumulative number of actions added and completed in its children teams respectively.
Rolling up is when the parent team result includes the child teams results in its total.
Q: How are the In & Out metrics calculated?
A: The date/time of a user being added to both the system & a team are recorded as well as their removal date/time. These times are recorded if the user is added/deleted manually or via bulk data import. These times are then used to calculate the In & Out metrics.
Related Articles
- Create a benchmark report for your organisation
- Creating a benchmark report for specific teams/department
- Providing a manager/executive with access to a benchmark report
- Exporting results from a Benchmarking Report
- Track the improvement of your teams with Huddle Timeline