Share Access to Survey Results
Once you've sent a Survey and it's starting to collect responses, you can share access to the Survey's Results across the organisation. There a couple different options when it comes to sharing:
- Manager access: Share manager access to their teams Survey results
You can give Managers at selected levels access to just their team(s) results. This could be a Regional Manager who needs to see results for their whole region, or Managers of specific teams who need to see survey results for just their location. - Specific User access: Share full Survey's Results with one (or more) specific users.
This option allows you to give specific users access to the full survey results. This could be a Senior Executive who needs to be on across all the details of a survey. You can even include the ability for that user to filter the survey results, so the results from any team can be revealed.
How to Provide Managers access to their team's Survey results
- Select Access and then Team Leaders
- Search for the team(s) name in your organisational hierarchy
- If you want every manager to get their team's results, simply check Entire Organisation
- Check ✅ the teams you want to grant manager access to the results for
- Save
- Once you've checked and save, team managers will automatically receive a notification from Teamgage (see below)

If you need to remove results access, simply uncheck the box and managers of that team will no longer be able to see the survey's results. If you want to remove access for a single manger, you'll need to
remove that user a team manager.
How to Provide Specific Users access to the full survey results
- Select Access and then Specific Users
- Search for the user's name (if they're not there, you may need to create a new user in Teamgage)
- Choose their access level View
- Click Add
- The "Can filter results" check ✅ decided when the user can filter Survey Results by team/demographic tags. If the box is unticked, the manager will see an aggregated set of results for their teams
- Once you'd added the user, they'll receive a notification from Teamgage (see below) that they can view the user

If you need to remove results access, simply click the ❌ icon alongside the users name - they'll no longer be able to see the survey's results.
Here's what it looks like
The process of providing access
The notification for the manager or user
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