Comparing Survey Results

Comparing Survey Results

You can compare the results of two surveys in a Benchmarking Report - this lets you see how responses to the same questions change over time.

Click here to access our article on creating a Benchmark Report

A few notes about comparing Surveys:
  1. a Survey Benchmarking Report only shows scorable questions so these are the only questions that can be compared   
  2. to compare a question between two Surveys it must be an exact match (Eg both the question-type and how the question is worded must be the same
  3. if there are no matching questions or scorable questions, the report will simply show a comparison of the Response Rates between the Surveys  
  4. to protect anonymity there must be at least 4x responses to a question before it can be unlocked & compared  (Learn more about locked responses & anonymity here 
  5. you can compare a maximum of two surveys at the same time

How to compare two Surveys

  1. Select Benchmarking from the side navigation
  2. Choose an existing Survey Benchmarking Report or create a new one
  3. Once the report is open, select a survey from the Compare to dropdown list 
  4. Get comparing

As you compare different questions & different teams you'll notice a few different icons across your benchmarking report. Here's what they mean:
  1. Score change: the small (+) or (-) figure indicates the whether the question's score has gone up or down between the surveys   
  2. No change: a dash indicates there's been no change between the two Surveys; basically the score has stayed the same
  3. Responses locked: if all you see is a grey box with a padlock, this means the responses are currently locked as there's been less than 4x responses
  4. Comparison Survey locked: If there is a score, but there is a small padlock alongside the score, this means the responses for the comparison survey are currently locked as there have been less than 4x responses.

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