Understanding the People Data & Team Hierarchy Template

Understanding the People Data & Team Hierarchy Template

You'll find a copy of the template attached to this article.
Please note that we suggest this approach for organisations with less than 200 employees, if you're organisation is larger we suggest you use the approach of uploading your HRIS data file - see this guide Uploading your HRIS data During Implementation.

Important notes
  1. The template has example data, make sure you delete this before adding in your own.
  2. Don't change the column titles.
  3. You can save the file name as anything you want.
  4. Every person uploaded must have a unique email address.
  5. On upload, Teamgage will automatically validate the template and data. If there are any issues, we'll let you know.

The Import Process

There are 3 simple steps
  1. Add your People Data & Hierarchy info into the data template (the template is attached at the bottom of this page)
  2. Upload the template in the Teamgage Portal
  3. Teamgage will create your structure 

1. How to access the People Data & Team Hierarchy template

You'll find a copy of the template attached to this article. 

2. How to upload the file?

Once you've added your people & team hierarchy data into the template, simply upload it in the Teamgage Portal. We take data privacy & security very seriously - we'll never share this data over email. Learn how to securely upload data in Portal here.

3. How to complete the setup process?

If required our team will create rules to transform your data and put them into our data converter so it is ready for all future imports, putting your data in a format that suits us both. Next we will run an import preview for you to check the team structure and team memberships are correct. Learn about the Import Preview here.

Understanding the Template 

The template is a spreadsheet file made of three tabs:
  1. Teams: All of your teams in Teamgage (Eg. a group that has a Results Dashboard in Teamgage)
  2. Users: All of your users in Teamgage (this includes Team members that submit, team leaders, and Admins)
  3. Managers: All of your Managers in Teamgage (this includes Users who should have access to their team(s) dashboard)
Each of these tabs have columns to provide details that can be imported into Teamgage or assist during the import process. These columns range in complexity and necessity as explained below:
  1. Green columns: These are the most commonly used fields and are all you need to supply for a successful import.
  2. Blue columns: These fields provide extended functionality like matching records by IDs or setting lesser-used properties.
  3. Yellow columns: These fields are advanced settings. They are not required, but do provide extended functionality.

Understanding the Teams tab

  1. TeamName: name of the team, as well as where this team fits in your organisation hierarchy.
    1. Example:
      Entire Organisation > Customer > Sales & Marketing

      This is the Sales & Marketing team, which sits under the department Customer.

      If a user sits in more than 1 team they should still be listed as a single user in the file but their teams should be separated by a | symbol (eg the pipe or vertical line).
    2. Example:
      Entire Organisation > Customer > Sales & Marketing | Entire Organisation > Customer > Customer Leadership Team
  2. CustomID (Optional): an optional field you can choose to assign to a Team on creation and/or during updated
    1. Ideally, this is an ID that already exists in the context of your organisation and can be used to unique identify a particular team. 

      When CustomID has been provided, Teamgage will match teams based on CustomID rather than TeamgageTeamID.
  3. CustomID_MatchMatch columns are used to find an existing user to whom you wish to update an identifying field (.e.g Email, Mobile, CustomID or AuthID). If you supply multiple “_Match” columns, the system will require the record to match on all fields.
  4. TeamName_MatchSee CustomID_Match Description.
  5. TeamgageID_MatchSee CustomID_Match Description.
  6. StructuralTagsToInclude: Can be used to override the tags used to identify this team. If not supplied tags will be automatically generated based on the name of the team (recommended if possible).
  7. Type: Defines whether this team is a regular team in the roll up hierarchy with a manager, or a special analysis report. Normally an analysis report is looking at results across demographics rather than teams, like graduate programs, role types etc. Default if STRUCTURAL.
  8. MetricSet: Defines the metric set to be used by this team when submitting and reviewing results. Defaults to inherited from parent team if no value is supplied.
  9. StructuralTagsToExclude: Defines any structural tags to exclude when matching submissions for report results.
  10. StructuralTagHandling: Defines how the system should handle structural tags for a pre-existing team. ADD will add provided tags to the current team’s existing tags, OVERWRITE will replace the team’s current tags with the supplied tags, and REMOVE will remove any of the supplied tags that are currently allocated to the team.
  11. StructuralExcludeTagHandling: See StructuralTagHandling Description.
  12. DemographicTagsToInclude: Can be used to set the demographic tags used to identify an analysis team.
  13. DemographicTagHandling: See StructuralTagHandling Description.
  14. DemograpgicTagsToExclude: Can be used to set the submissions that should be excluded from this team based on demographic tags that should be excluded. Can only be used for an analysis report.
  15. DemographicExcludeTagHandling: See StructuralTagHandling Description.
  16. EnableSharedResults: Defines whether managers of this team can share results with all members of this team (recommended).
  17. Protected: Defines whether or not this team should be protected from batch updates and deletions. Protected accounts will not be updated or deleted via a data import unless the IgnoreProtectedStatus flag on that import is set to TRUE. This is useful for teams that aren’t supplied as part of a regular data update but should not be removed because they were added manually (e.g. teams that aren’t defined in HRIS data).
  18. IgnoreProtectedStatus: Defines whether the importer will process a deletion or update request of an existing team who is already marked as Protected.
  19. BlockSubmissionReminderInheritance: Defines whether this team uses the user reminder settings from the parent team including the schedule and communication templates. Note that reminder schedules can only be set in the UI.
  20. UserWelcomeID: Defines the communication template to use for new user welcomes at this level (and potentially below if there are teams that inherit from this team). BlockSubmissionReminderInheritance must be TRUE in order to set this option.
  21. UserSubmissionNotificationID: Defines the communication template to use for user reminders at this level (and potentially below if there are teams that inherit from this team). BlockSubmissionReminderInheritance must be TRUE in order to set this option.
  22. UserFirstSubmissionThankYouID: Defines the communication template to use for first submission thank notification at this level (and potentially below if there are teams that inherit from this team). BlockSubmissionReminderInheritance must be TRUE in order to set this option.
  23. BlockManagerReminderInheritance: Defines whether this team uses the manager reminder settings from the parent team including the schedule and communication templates. Note that reminder schedules can only be set in the UI.
  24. ManagerWelcomeID: Defines the communication template to use for new manager welcomes at this level (and potentially below if there are teams that inherit from this team). BlockManagerReminderInheritance must be TRUE in order to set this option.
  25. ManagerReportNotificationID: Defines the communication template to use for manager results reminders at this level (and potentially below if there are teams that inherit from this team). BlockManagerReminderInheritance must be TRUE in order to set this option.

Understanding the Users tab

  1. CustomIDan optional field you can choose to assign to a User on creation and/or during updated
    1. Ideally, this is an ID that already exists in the context of your organisation and can be used to unique identify a particular User (Eg. like their Employee ID).  

      When CustomID has been provided, Teamgage will match teams based on CustomID rather than their email.
  1. Email: The team members email address - this is the email address that the user will use for logging into Teamgage and where all Teamgage notifications will be sent. 
  1. GivenName: The team members first name.
  2. Surname: The team member's surname.
  3. PreferredNameNickname or preferred informal name. If supplied this name will be used in communications instead of Given Name. Optional.
  4. TeamName: name of the team, as well as where this team fits in your organisation hierarchy.
    1. Example:
      Entire Organisation > Customer > Sales & Marketing
      This is the Sales & Marketing team, which sits under the department Customer.
      If a user sits in more than 1 team they should still be listed as a single user in the file but their teams should be separated by a | symbol (eg the pipe or vertical line).
    2. Example:
      Entire Organisation > Customer > Sales & Marketing | Entire Organisation > Customer > Customer Leadership Team
  5. DemographicTagsThese are the Demographic Tags applied to this specific user. (Learn More
    1. If there is more than 1 Demographic Tag, separate the tags with a | symbol (eg the pipe or vertical line).
  1. AuthIDAn optional alternate email address to use for SSO purposes if the user's SSO email is different to their primary email address.
  2. CustomID_MatchMatch columns are used to find an existing user to whom you wish to update an identifying field (.e.g Email, Mobile, CustomID or AuthID). If you supply multiple “_Match” columns, the system will require the record to match on all fields.
  3. AuthID_MatchSee CustomID_Match Description.
  4. Email_MatchSee CustomID_Match Description.
  5. MobileAdd a mobile number so users can receive Teamgage notifications as an SMS - rather than email and/or MS Teams. 
    1. Speak to your Teamgage Admin to check whether your organisation is using SMS.
  6. TimeZoneYou can specify a user's individual timezone to ensure they receive notifications at a time that makes sense to them.
    1. By default, users inherit the timezone of your Teamgage account.
    2. Use the format Continent/City. See the full list of available time-zones.
  7. TeamCustomID: Customer specified ID for an existing team.
  8. Active: Marks this user account as active. An inactive account will not receive reminders and will not be allowed to log in, but will still be counted as a team member. This setting may be useful for team members on extended leave or where their account needs to be disabled when investigating a security issue with their account.
  9. MessageViaEmail: Controls whether messages will be sent to this user via Email (assuming they have a valid email address).
  10. MessageViaSMS: Controls whether messages will be sent to this user via SMS. This  setting must be enabled in conjunction with the user having   a real mobile number entered into Teamgage before an SMS will be sent.
  11. MessageViaMsTeams: Controls whether messages will be sent to this user via MS Teams. This setting must be enabled in conjunction with the organisation having MS Teams notifications set up and the user have the MS Teams app installed before a message will be sent.
  12. MessageViaSlack: Controls whether messages will be sent to this user via Slack. This setting must be enabled in conjunction with the organisation having Slack notifications enabled and the user having Slack before a message will be sent.
  13. TeamgageID_MatchSee CustomID_Match Description.
  14. DemographicTagHandling: Defines how the system should handle demographic tags defined for a pre-existing user. ADD will add provided tags to the current user’s existing tags, OVERWRITE will replace the user’s current tags with the supplied tags, and REMOVE will remove any of the supplied tags that are currently allocated to the user. NEWONLY will only modify the user’s demographic tags if they are a new user in this import.
  15. StructuralTags: Tags that make up team structures. Use as alternative to matching by team name.
  16. TeamHandling: Defines how the system should handle team memberships for a pre-existing user. ADD will add provided teams to the current user’s existing teams, OVERWRITE will replace the user’s current teams with the supplied teams, and REMOVE will remove any of the supplied tags that are currently allocated to the user. NEWONLY will only make modifications to the user’s teams if they are a new user in this import.
  17. CloseSubmissionsOnLeavingTeam: How to handle a user’s existing submissions in a team that the user will no longer be a member of after executing changes. Default is TRUE. Note that selecting FALSE could lead to invalid submission counts (e.g. 15/10). FALSE should be used in advanced situations only.
  18. Protected: Defines whether or not this user account should be protected from batch updates and deletions. Protected accounts will not be updated or deleted via a data import unless the IgnoreProtectedStatus flag on that import is set to TRUE. This is useful for accounts that aren’t supplied as part of a regular data update but should not be removed because they were added manually (e.g. external stakeholders, board members).
  19. IgnoreProtectedStatus: Defines whether the importer will process a deletion or update request of an existing user who is marked as Protected.

Understanding the Managers tab

  1. TeamName_Match: name of the team which the User is a Manager of.
    1. Example:
Entire Organisation > Customer > Sales & Marketing
This is the Sales & Marketing team, which sits under the department Customer.
  1. Email_Matchemail of all the User(/Manager) that should have access to the Results for this team.
    1. If there is more than 1 manager their email addresses will need to be entered as separate rows.
    2. This also makes revoking access just a simple; remove the Manager from the top level team (Eg. TeamA) & their access for all teams below in the organisational hierarchy will also be removed.
    3. Example:
Sales & Marketing nick.hand@teamgage.com 
Sales & Marketing claudia.james@teamgage.com 
Teamgage uses the "principle of inheritance" for access. When a Manager is given access to the results for TeamA, they gain access to all the teams below TeamA in the organisational hierarchy. If a new team is added under TeamA, the manager automatically gets access without any manual effort from an Administrator
  1. TeamCustomID_Match: Match columns are used to find an existing user to whom you wish to update an identifying field (.e.g Email, Mobile, CustomID or AuthID). If you supply multiple “_Match” columns, the system will require the record to match on all fields.
  2. UserCustomID_Match: See TeamCustomID_Match Description.
  3. UserAuthID_Match: See TeamCustomID_Match Description.
  4. CanSubfilterTeams: Defines whether the manager can apply additional filters to the results, for example by applying demographic tags.
  5. CanAccessChildTeams: Defines whether the manager can access results for teams below this team in the same reporting line, or only this specific team.
  6. WillReceiveNotifications: Defines whether the manager will receive regular reminders to view results for this team, based off the reminder schedule settings for this team. Note that a manager will only receive 1 reminder from a reminder schedule, not 1 per team they have access for. 
  7. CanUseSidekick: Defines whether the manager canuse Sidekick for his team. If the Manager has CanAccessChildTeams set to true, then they will have access to Sidekick in all child teams too.
  8. CanEditMembers: Defines whether the manager can add and remove members from the team.
  9. TeamTeamgageID_Match: See TeamCustomID_Match Description.
  10. UserTeamgageID_Match: See TeamCustomID_Match Description.
  11. Protected: Defines whether or not this manager entry should be protected from batch updates and deletions. Protected accounts will not be updated or deleted via a data import unless the IgnoreProtectedStatus flag on that import is set to TRUE. This is useful for accounts that aren’t supplied as part of a regular data update but should not be removed because they were added manually (e.g. external stakeholders, board members).
  12. IgnoreProtectedStatus: Defines whether the importer will process a deletion or update request of an existing team who is already marked as Protected.
  13. APIOnly: Defines whether the manager user account can only access the results via the API.
If you have more than one manager for a team, for each manager create a new row. 
If you have any questions about using the template contact support@teamgage.com. 

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