Cloning or copying a Survey

Cloning or Copying a Survey

In one click, you can create a new survey based on an existing one. You may want to do this:
  1. So you can compare the results of an existing survey and the new survey (Learn about comparing Surveys)
  2. To tailor a survey by creating several versions for different audiences across your organisation, or
  3. Simply to save time
Cloning a Survey will automatically duplicate the existing Survey title, description and questions into a new, separate Survey. The Access and Recipients of the existing Survey will not be cloned.

How to clone a survey

  1. Open the Surveys in Teamgage
  2. Find the Survey you want to clone
  3. Click on the "three-dots" context menu on the Survey card
  4. Select Clone
Now you can make adjustments like update the Survey title, choose the Survey Recipients and once you're ready send it. If this is a regularly set of questions and you'd like to be able to track progress and comparable results over time, make sure you read through our guide on comparing two Surveys.

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